For Individuals
Nowadays, change is the only constant. Everyone would like to be able to adapt to change easily or change at least one thing in their lives. Sometimes when faced with our doubts, our fears, our blockages, our lack of time or our uneasiness, our mind goes round in circles and gets lost in the problem. Therefore we need to be coached to guide our mind towards the solution.
That is where Solution Mind coaching comes in: with the Solution Mind approach, you develop a solution-creating mindset that is needed to deal with the challenges and changes you face. Solution Mind offers you tailor-made support through one-on-one coaching, workshops, and horse-assisted coaching.

One-on-one coaching
Solution Mind offers you one-on-one coaching on various topics.
- Pain Management
- Sleep disorders
- Weight problems
- Quit Smoking
- Fear, Phobia
- Stress
- Burn-out
- Relaxation
- Mindfulness
Personal Crisis
- Trauma development of resilience
- Bereavement
- Separation
Personal Development
- Self-confidence
- Management of emotions
- Blockages, limiting beliefs
- Self-realization
Professional Development
- Professional and personal balance
- Career change
- Finding your path
Behavioral Skills –
Soft Skills
- One-on-one coaching debriefing DiSC® assessment
Find out more
What is it all about?
The DiSC® assessment debriefing is a short-term one-on-one coaching based primarily on the DiSC® model.
After having taken the online DiSC® assessment, this one-on-one coaching helps to refine and explain the results in order to have personal and professional development paths on the most interesting areas of progress for the coachee in order to develop their behavioral intelligence. DiSC® coaching promotes a better knowledge of oneself and of others, leading to better communication with others. DiSC® is essential for developing behavioral intelligence.
Who is it intended for?
Description of the 3 sessions:
The DiSC® coaching follows the following program and can be adapted as needed to your objectives.
- Session 1: DiSC® Model
Discovering your DiSC® profile - Session 2: Discovering and understanding the other DiSC® styles
How to better read other people's DiSC® style
Interacting with other DiSC® styles and building quality relationships - Session 3 : Solution Mind approach: the solution-creating mindset
DiSC® model and soft skills - behavioral competencies
How to participate:
In person or by video conference
Three sessions (depending on the objectives)
- One-on-one coaching for the development of behavioral and soft skills
Find out more
What is it all about?
This coaching develops agility by intervening on the personal, emotional and relational dimensions.
After taking the online DiSC® assessment, this one-on-one coaching helps to refine and explain the results but also to develop relational, emotional and behavioral intelligence.
Thus, this one-on-one coaching permits the setting up of strategies for success, the adoption of attitudes that respond to the demands of the environment, and the development of adaptability and flexibility in full awareness.
This coaching is essential for developing agility and resilience in a constantly changing world.
Who is it intended for?
Examples of topics covered:
- Soft skills – behavioral skills
- Debriefing DiSC® assessment
- Personal intelligence: knowing yourself and controlling your behavior
- Emotional intelligence: understanding and controlling one's emotions and those of others
- Relational intelligence: understanding and adapting to the behavior of others
- Recognize and develop each member's potential for collective success
- Mindfulness: living in the present moment with the people around me
- Solution Mind approach: the solution-creating mindset
How to participate:
In person or by video conference
Variable depending on the objectives
Expectant mothers
Hypnosis-coaching: Coaching during pregnancy, childbirth and preparation for the role of mother
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What is it all about?
You are pregnant: congratulations! Life is growing inside you, a little being will soon pop out and your life will change...
The miracle of life is unfortunately sometimes accompanied by fears, doubts or anxieties that prevent us from fully enjoying these beautiful moments ...
That's where Solution Mind coaching comes in: with the Solution Mind approach, your develop a problem-solving mindset that will help you live your pregnancy, childbirth and motherhood with confidence.
You can then take full advantage of the miracle that awaits you...
This one-on-one accompaniment is based on coaching and uses tools such as hypnosis, relaxation and mindfulness ...
Who is it intended for?
Expectant mothers
Description of the 6 sessions:
The coaching is based on the following program and can be adapted to your needs...
- Session 1: Solution Mind approach: the solution-creating mindset
Free yourself from fears - Session 2: Enjoy your pregnancy, create and/or strengthen your bond with your baby in utero.
- Session 3: Developing Mindfulness, Confidence and intuition in giving birth and Motherhood
- Session 4: Preparing physically and mentally for childbirth
- Session 5: Mom's new way of life
- Session 6: Questions, discussion and wrap-up
How to participate:
In person or by video conference
Six sessions
Working moms: Karriere und Familie
Working (expectant) mothers and mothers who wish to return to work
Find out more
Click here for more informations.

Customer testimonials
"The workshop was very entertaining: good mood throughout the workshop, as well as informative content and active participation with direct references to the different DiSC® behaviors!"
J. M. /
Customer testimonials
"During each meeting, I felt heard and supported by my coach, due to her great ability to listen and understand. The coaching based on trust and motivation allowed me to achieve my initial goal but also to overcome situations that I thought were "blocked" or unresolved."
Z. M. /
Customer testimonials
„This coaching has been very beneficial for me thanks in particular to the various personal and professional development tools that Aurélie offers. Difficult situations were identified, and the problems solved using the most suitable methods.“
P. H. /

Solution Mind offers you small group workshops on the following topics.
DiSC® Behavioral Model Workshop
What is it all about?
After taking the online DiSC® assessment, each participant receives their profile and personal and professional development paths to develop their behavioral intelligence.
This workshop, based on the experiential approach around the DiSC® model, offers exercises and practical exercises to develop strategies for success, adopt attitudes that meet the demands of the environment, and develop adaptability and flexibility.
This DiSC® workshop promotes a better knowledge of oneself and others, leading to better communication with others.
The DiSC® workshop is essential for the development of behavioral intelligence.
Who is it intended for?
Open to everyone
Workshop description:
The DiSC® coaching follows the following program and can be adapted as needed to your objectives:
- Part 1: DiSC® Model
Discovering your DiSC® profile - Part 2: Discovering and understanding the other DiSC® styles
How to better read other people's DiSC® style
Interacting with other DiSC® styles and building quality relationships - Part 3: Solution Mind approach: the solution-creating mindset
DiSC® model and soft skills – behavioral competencies
How to participate:
In person
1 day
Workshop: Mindfulness, stress management and burn-out prevention
What is it all about?
Life is stressful, a thousand things to do, being everywhere at the same time...
In this whirlwind, we sometimes need to take a guided tour to refocus on our natural assets that are essential to learn how to manage our stress, our emotions and avoid burn-out...
In this workshop you will learn how to recognize the emotions and signs of stress as well as what triggers it.
You will also learn to focus on the present moment, on yourself and on your environment through the development of mindfulness...
Thanks to the Solution Mind approach, you learn to develop a problem-solving mindset that is indispensable for dealing with the challenges that accompany stressful situations.
The development of mindfulness has many beneficial effects on our daily life: reduction of stress, better concentration, development of empathy, stimulation of creativity, better management of priorities, construction of healthy relationships, increase of inner calm and serenity...
Applied on a daily basis, mindfulness contributes to a holistic wellness.
Who is it intended for?
For everyone
Examples of topics covered:
- Stress, Burn-out: Signs, Emotions, and Triggers
- Mindfulness
- Relational and behavioral skills
- Agility and resilience
- Solution Mind approach: the solution-creating mindset
How to participate:
In person
1 to 5 days
Workshop: Hypnosis-coaching for Pregnancy, childbirth and motherhood
What is it all about?
You are pregnant: congratulations! Life is growing inside you, a little human being will soon be born and your life will never be the same again...
Sometimes the miracle of life is unfortunately accompanied by fears, doubts or anxieties that prevent us from fully enjoying these beautiful moments ...
That's where Solution Mind coaching comes in: with the Solution Mind approach, your develop a problem-solving mindset that will help you live your pregnancy, delivery and new motherhood with confidence.
You can then take full advantage of the miracle that awaits you...
This accompaniment in small groups is based on coaching and uses tools such as hypnosis, relaxation, mindfulness and exchange circles.
Small group preparation allows expectant mothers to exchange and share their own experiences, to help each other and to create links and contacts for the post-partum period. The workshops take place in an atmosphere of wellness, trust, respect and care.
Who is it intended for?
Expectant mothers
Workshops description:
- Part 1: Solution Mind approach: the solution-creating mindset
Free yourself from fears - Part 2: Enjoy your pregnancy, create and/or strengthen your bond with your baby in utero.
- Part 3: Developing Mindfulness, Confidence and intuition in giving birth and Motherhood
- Part 4: Preparing physically and mentally for child birth
- Part 5: Mom's new way of life
- Part 6: Questions, discussion and wrap-up
How to participate:
In person
Six workshops

Horse-assisted coaching
Horse-assisted coaching is offered to companies and individuals alike. The following topics are covered and require no previous experience with horses.
Why horses?
„There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man.“ – Sir Winston S. Churchill
Horses are excellent mentors. As prey, their flight instinct instantly becomes a mirror: horses respond naturally to human actions. Their responses give us the best and most honest feedback, and this provides us with excellent opportunities to learn about communication, emotions, behaviors and leadership. Horses feel and respond to a person’s intentions, emotions and thoughts conveyed unconsciously by their body language. They often know our intentions before we are even aware of them. Horses give us a chance to learn about human relationships. They quickly tell us if our actions are effective, if we are consistent in the way we communicate and if the goals we set are clear and precise.
In short: horse-assisted coaching is indispensable for anyone who wants to improve their self-knowledge, their relationship with others and their resilience.
How does equine-assisted coaching work?
Equine-assisted coaching and seminars take place in an equestrian center. No prior knowledge of horses is required. All activities take place on foot. Horse-assisted coaching provides an environment conducive for learning through the various practical applications. Each exercise and the associated metaphors are followed by a brief theory session, during which experiences, results and metaphors are put into perspective with your personal and professional lives. There is also time for personal reflections and discussions.
EQUI-COACH: one-on-one coaching
What is it all about?
Equi-coach is an one-on-one coaching that will help you discover your real potential and natural resources.
The Equi-Coach sessions allow you to define what you really want and provide you with simple and effective strategies to achieve your personal and professional goals.
You learn how to live in the moment, manage your emotions and deal with stressful situations.
You will develop a problem-solving mindset that leads you to increase your potential and open up the field of possibilities to achieve your goals.
Who is it intended for?
This coaching is intended for companies and individuals alike.
Examples of topics covered:
- Leadership
- Performance
- Change of role or lifestyle
- Burn-out prevention
- Stress Management
- Emotion Management
- Develop self-confidence
- Balancing private and professional life
- Developing mindfulness
- Development of behavioral skills
- Development of relational skills
How to participate:
In person
Varies according to the chosen topic
Workshop facilitated by horses: Mindfulness, stress management and burn-out prevention
What is it all about?
Life is stressful, with a thousand things to do, being everywhere at the same time... In this whirlwind, we lose sight of what is most important: being here and now... Horses are the best coaches to bring you to live in the present moment: it is innate for them...
During this workshop, you will learn from the horses how to focus on the present moment, on yourself and on your environment through the practice of mindfulness...
The development of mindfulness has many beneficial effects on our daily life: reduction of stress, better concentration, development of empathy, stimulation of creativity, better management of priorities, construction of healthy relationships, increase of inner calm and serenity...
Applied on a daily basis, mindfulness contributes to a global well-being.
Who is it intended for?
This coaching is intended for companies and individuals alike
Examples of topics covered:
- Mindfulness
- Stress, Burn-out: Signs, Emotions, and Triggers
- Relational and behavioral skills
- Agility and resilience
- Solution Mind approach: the solution-creating mindset
How to participate:
In person
Varies according to objectives
Horse-assisted workshop: DiSC® Behavioral Model
What is it all about?
Horses, like humans, have different personalities... Horses are experts in Behavioral Intelligence: the survival and success of the herd is only possible if the group is harmonious... During this workshop, participants will discover, thanks to horses, the different types of behaviors, how to use our differences to establish harmonious relationships...
After taking the online DiSC® assessment, each participant receives their profile and personal and professional development paths to develop their behavioral intelligence. Comparisons between the DiSC® model in horses and humans allow the theory to be applied in practice with horses...
During this workshop, you will also learn how to focus on the present moment, on yourself and on your environment through mindfulness practices... Horses are the best coaches to bring you to live in the present moment: it is innate for them...
This workshop promotes a better knowledge of oneself and others leading to better communication with others.
The horse-assisted DiSC® workshop is a must for developing behavioral intelligence.
Who is it intended for?
Companies (executives, managers, teams and employees) and individuals
- Discover your DiSC® profile
- Understanding other styles
- Building better relationships
- How to better interpret the style of others
- Mindfulness, Agility and Resilience
- Relational and behavioral skills
- Solution Mind approach: the solution-creating mindset
How to participate:
In person
2 days
EQUI-LEAD: Horse-assisted Leadership development workshop
What is it all about?
This workshop is key to the development of behavioral intelligence essential for leaders in the 21st century.
Working with horses allows us to experience the principles of leadership in a new and natural way. It gives us the opportunity to improve our communication by combining integrity and authenticity, to remain confident in the face of uncertainty and thus to motivate and encourage those we are trying to lead.
To be successful leaders, having technical skills is not enough. Emotional and social intelligence will be critical to your success.
Who is it intended for?
Executives, managers and project manage
- Leadership and management styles
- Behavioral competencies
- Emotional Intelligence
- Comfort Zone
- Personal and Professional Distances
- Communication and personalities
- Mindfulness
How to participate:
In person
1 day
EQUI-WOMAN-LEAD: Leadership dedicated to women
What is it all about?
Women have a thousand and one hats... This workshop allows you to (re)discover your natural assets that are essential to your personal and professional development... You will learn how to direct your energy towards what is really important to you.
The Equi-Woman-Lead workshop gives you the opportunity to recognize the leadership style you have unknowingly developed, to work with your natural energy, to become aware of your goals and your creative potential.
In other words, this workshop will help you to (re) discover yourself in order to be at your optimum.
Who is it intended for?
Any woman wishing to develop her natural leadership qualities and have more influence in her private and professional life.
Examples of topics covered:
- Leadership and management styles
- Behavioral competencies
- Emotional Intelligence
- Comfort Zone
- verbal and non-verbal communication
- Freedom, Responsibility and Integrity
- Confronting fears and developing self-confidence
- Mindfulness
How to participate:
In person
Varies according to objectives
EQUI-TEAM: Team development workshop
What is it all about?
Equi-Team is a horse-assisted team development workshop. This workshop focuses on team spirit and the responsibilities of everyone in the group.
Physical and mental presence, goal attainment, motivation and communication will be improved through strategies based on the natural behaviors and qualities of humans and horses.
Who is it intended for?
Teams, groups, project teams
Examples of topics covered:
- Recognize and develop each member's potential for collective success
- Communication and personalities
- Personal intelligence: knowing yourself and controlling your behavior
- Emotional Intelligence: Understanding and controlling one's emotions and those of others
- Relational intelligence: understanding and adapting to the behavior of others
- Mindfulness: living in the present moment with the people around me
How to participate:
In person
Varies according to objectives
Coaching for riders and horse owners
You can find more information here:
Customized horse-assisted workshop
What is it all about?
Sometimes the needs of the company or individuals are specific: certain key points, problems or situations need to be addressed in order to find solutions. We are at your disposal and together, we can design a workshop to meet your needs.
Who is it intended for?
Companies or individuals
Examples of topics covered:
By choice
How to participate:
In person
Varies depending on the topic chosen

Customer testimonials
„What I've learned from the horses is how important it is to establish trust and put the relationship first.“
E. T. /
Customer testimonials
„My favorite moment was leading the horse alone successfully.“
R. S. /
Customer testimonials
„I learned that horses also give feedback on our own behavior. I can integrate what I learned from the horses into my private and professional life.“
T. L. /
Rates for individuals
Rates for one-on-one coaching:
The first appointment is free. The sessions that follow are priced as follows:
Face-to-face or teleconference: 80 Euro per session
Depending on the topic and duration, preferential package rates are available.
Workshop rates for individuals:
The workshop fee is defined according to the topic chosen, the size of the group and the location of the workshop. This will be indicated for each workshop in the calendar of proposed activities.
Rates for horse-assisted coaching:
Rates are defined on request according to the chosen topic, the size of the group and the location of the seminar.